Pregnancy test progression dpo reddit

Pregnancy test progression dpo reddit. I also liked the app that they have where you can upload pictures of your pregnancy tests to compare for later. Easy at home does good progression and actually has a guide to its sensitivity which shows like what dpo your test should look like at like 10-20 dpo . In-app features include a smart personalized chatbot, an extensive content base covering all the hot topics, and a thoughtful pregnancy planner. Jun 11, 2023 · Days 12-14 past ovulation (12-14 DPO) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is the hormone that pregnancy tests use to detect pregnancy. I know it’s getting darker, but this happened my last miscarriage too. I’m not 100% sure Of ovulation day. This article discusses what happens at 5 DPO, what to expect, and when to take a pregnancy test. Both the test from Tuesday have dye at other places then the line. Home Pregnancy Test I see a lot of progressions being a lot darker on 16 dpo and I’m having anxiety about mine not getting much darker. **THAT SAID …. But the overall progression, through 21DPIUI, looked good. Second FET only on more left. Enjoy! Jan 17, 2024 · Some pregnant people may notice symptoms as early as 5 days past ovulation (DPO). There's some progression though compared to 12 / 13 DPO (especially in cheapie strips). Only 2 percent of women will have back to back miscarriages, and only 1 percent will have three in a row. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Pregnancy test progression 9DPT/DPO with FRER Share Add a Comment. Was likely a chemical, hoping for a sticky baby in the future ️ Soula AI — Mental Health and Educational Support from Pregnancy to Maternity and Beyond. " 1 dpo is one day after you ovulate, 2 dpo is 2 days after, etc. Until the third pregnancy, I always started tested at 8dpo, as AF would always come on 12dpo. Using a test with 6. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Line progression. Your body begins producing hCG at the moment of implantation, but it takes 2-3 days for the hormone to build up to a certain detectable level. This community was created for those currently pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, or had a successful pregnancy following TFMR of wanted babies. My RE said he likes to see at least 36 hours for those first few days after implantation. You can find the progression in my post history. Oh there’s definitely a chance, it’s not that it never happens! It’s just not realistic to expect it. Test Progression Chemical Pregnancy: I know that a lot of us worry about CPs and line progression, so I am posting for educational purposes. Also, while I have things marked as 8 DPO, it may be 9 DPO. I was tracking ovulation (via BBT and OPKs), but there's always some flexibility with the days there, and I know that 8 DPO is really early to see anything! Good luck to everyone! My last pregnancy ended in a MMC (with wonderfully progressing tests too), so I hope this one sticks! If you factor all these things together (imagine you ovulated later than you thought, implanted on the later side, and used a less sensitive test) it makes sense that they say to wait until 14+ dpo / or after missed period to test. Then this morning (12 DPO) I took another first response test to watch for line progression and it was definitely darker than yesterday's test. I am now either 17,18,19 DPO and test is no where near control line. Tuesday the test was a lot darker, I was not expecting it to be that dark. Soula works as a digital doula that assists a pregnant person with their questions. Your fertile window is ovulation day and about 5 days before ovulation day. Numbers are DPO. I then decided to go to my doctor's office a couple hours later to get my pregnancy confirmed so that I can get established at my OBGYN's office. Many women don’t actually experience any real pregnancy symptoms until 6-7 weeks pregnant. Jan 19, 2021 · Has anyone ever had a successful pregnancy after not having their tests get very dark? I’m only 19 days DPO, I’ve gotten positives on every test I’ve tried but they’re just not darkening at all. Learn with Flo what to expect on your 15th day after ovulation. I also put a picture of my First réponse from dpo 11 and 13 Here is my test progression for 11-22 DPO with betas at 16 DPO (85) and 18 DPO (343). This is not my first rodeo. I remember so clearly taking that 17dpo test and thinking it was over because it looked lighter than the day before. Started bleeding heavily early am 15 dpo. these lines aren't progressing like I'm expecting and I'm getting in my head about it. I also think the amount of time you dip/how wet the test gets can make a difference. 37K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. It wasn’t. On 16 dpo (on Friday, it's Sunday now) I got bloodwork done to check hCG and progesterone levels. First pregnancy 10 dpo (MMC), second pregnancy 9 dpo (CP), and third pregnancy 12dpo (successful pregnancy). 13 DPO, this morning, spotting slowed and I took a test thinking I’d see a lighter line, or as faint as 11DPO to confirm my chemical suspicions. Apr 24, 2020 · I'm feeling so anxious. My first pregnancy was a miscarriage and second pregnancy was my daughter. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. The pregmate test second from the bottom I tested on 15 dpo. I stopped testing eventually without ever getting a dark dye stealer but that pregnancy is now a 15 month old. At about 12 dpo you should test positive if you have a viable pregnancy and are using a sensitive test. Anyone have experience with a progression like this? The test was negative, but squinting and holding it an angle I thought I could see a line where a positive result would show…should you be able to… Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Wanted to share this in case it helps others. "DPO" means "days post ovulation. Same test as in the progression shot at the top. I swear my 15DPIUI line looked darker than my 17DPIUI one. I got first + on 10/11/12 DPO with cheapies. I'm 15 DPO today (14 also possible) and the test line is still much, much lighter than the control line. Her positive didn't even come until 16 DPO, and yet now she's 22 weeks I can get pregnant without trying but something is usually wrong :(. Usually 8 dpo is the bfn. I wish it had started sooner and saved me the uncertainty. A few days later a digital said +1 to 2 weeks since conception. I wish you nothing but the best, and the most uneventful and easy full term pregnancy + birth. Unfortunately, Wednesday, the test was lighter then the day before. 9 dpo is a squinter, then 10 dpo it's a bfp. I spent the whole day sobbing. I didn’t re-buy FRERs until later. It went to 700 before I bled. 25 mIU/mL sensitivity (like a FRER), about 90% of pregnancies would have hCG levels in urine high enough to be detectable by 11dpo, and the median pregnancy would be detectable by 10dpo (table 2 here). Dollar Tree Assured pregnancy test progression. I’ve had betas done on 11DPO (44), 13DPO (180) and 19DPO (1,931) which have all over double within the 48 hour rule. I usually cave earlier than my missed period. To check for the hook effect, next time you test, first dip one test as normal, then for the second test dilute the same cup of urine with some water. I had good line progression for a few days, but then they never really got darker and eventually started getting lighter. Also, this was my first pregnancy (ever) after trying for several months. In my last pregnancy I was more than 5 weeks when I first tested and got super dark line immediately, so I don't know how the test "should" look at this Just thought I’d post this to show the most tiny progression! Guarding my heart, but believe it or not my 9 dpo am test is maybe one of the darkest I’ve gotten in 5 months after all my CPs. A lot of people say testing isn’t supposed to be used this way and there is a lot of reason why a test may be lighter (urine diluted ) , but you really can only find out if your maybe having a And please don’t comment telling me to test every other day :) This is my 5th pregnancy with 1 living child. ever since about 20 DPO, my test line was only as dark, or even slightly lighter, than the control line. Just sharing my line progression thus far on the infamous Pregmate test strips! For scientific purposes lol. Posting for science since I searched sooo many threads for chemical pregnancy progression. Mine is below, top 3 tests are 9 dpo, bottom 3 tests are today at (two were with the same urine- the two together) 10 dpo. I shared an early progression and had lots of reminders that not having a perfect progression doesn't necessarily mean that things aren't going to work out but I've known something was wrong since last week and finally started bleeding today. Thanks everyone for your thoughts, advice and experience. All the morning test where about the same time, but the pm test where not. If the hook effect is causing your test to look lighter, the test dipped in diluted urine should be darker than the test dipped normally. Yes I think they are pretty sensitive. Reply reply More replies On off spotting that day, eventually got heavier by 12 DPO. The bottom one is 21 dpo. I just wanted to get a true dye stealer where the test line was darker than the control line, but don’t think I’ll be getting it. I’ve compared it to others by this day and it should be darker, no? I was gutted when the beta on 9DP5DT was 18. My FRER on 10 DPO and 11 DPO were negative. I tested every other day with FRERs, and every day with ClinicGuards. I-put-fork-in-fridge. Two months before getting pregnant with my LC I started taking oral progesterone 4dpo until day 12dpo and would take a pregnancy test day 12. However, my PdG tests are coming back with a faint line, meaning my progesterone levels are low. Bleeding continued all 12DPO (not quite period, but medium flow). Also, urine concentration is a factor. I also tested for the hook effect during my last pregnancy and it didn't happen until around 30+DPO when the dye stealer control line got darker. May 11, 2020 · Hey all, I would love to see your “Easy @ Home” hcg progression lines from the moment you started testing. It also depends on the sensitivity of the test- that site is based on a sensitive HPT, when most cheapies are 3-5 times less sensitive than those, so it would take an extra couple of days to get a line (assuming HCG levels approximately double each day). So, I wouldn’t go by whether you feel like you’re pregnant as the early days just feel a lot like your period is going to start any day. AF started on 18 dpo. Realized it was a chemical at 13-14 DPO when my lines didn’t darken at all. I also took frer and the bottom one is 21 dpo which looks good but I hadn’t tested since 14 dpo so I do not know if it is a good line progression. This is what my 11 dpo - 17 dpo lines looks lined. Felt some pregnancy symptoms initially (fatigue and bloating), then felt like they went away a few days later. Last one taken today at about 6 weeks +1, CD 44. I have an ultrasound and another beta check in 3 days (will be 26DPO, 5w5d). However, in the r/infertility betabase, you'll see someone reported a successful pregnancy with a beta at 16 DPO of only SIX, so it is possible. I got high enough to show up on a digital pregnancy test, but then it when back now. That statistic always made me calmer during my second pregnancy. I got a faint line at 12 DPO and a much darker line by 14 DPO. 13-18 dpo line progression with Pregmate brand. Hi, I got my first positive HPT last night, 13 DPO. Took one last test at 14 dpo and it was negative. The FRER show DPO and the Wondfo and MomMed show the calendar date (pregnancy brain started early). When I google pregmate 21 dpo all the tests are as dark as the control line so I’m nervous as mine is lighter. Dpo is an estimate, I don't know what day I ovulated, just the day I dtd. the 2 frer are from 12 and 13 dpo, then the pregmate and digital fr are from this morning, 15dpo fmu, then the single frer is from 15 DPO is a significant milestone if you’re trying to get pregnant. It's a very clear positive and the line progression seems okay - darker today. I know what it’s like to be impatient haha. I had my husband tested for fragmentation to make sure his sperm wasn’t the issue. I think easy@home is better than some but in terms of showing progression they aren’t the greatest. • 27 days ago. Started bleeding about 2 days after expected period date. I am 27 DPO (6 weeks exactly today) and have been tracking my line progression. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs… Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Progression - DPO unknown - First Response Test Strips 10-11 DPO, FRER - third pregnancy after Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. I assumed chemical. 12-15 dpo, premom hcg test strips Progression 10 dpo one step pregnancy test Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. I felt fine up until around 12dpo and then I felt like 13dpo was lighter and then I was unsure I was seeing anymore progression for a while. My tests are in my post history if you want to take a look. Thought this might be helpful for humans in the future going through the same thing. Line progression doesn’t really mean anything after a certain point. If you just experienced a TFMR or are considering TFMR and need support, please join the wonderful group at r/tfmr_support. Here's the thing about odds - someone will end up being that "less than 35% chance" success story, as someone else shared above. You aren't fertile at all after ovulation day. Before HCG of ~250, several studies can backup that HCG doubling averages closer to 30-36 hours. Is this likely a chemical? No sign of spotting. Second photo was my wet test right now. If negative I would stop taking it. Be the first to comment Nobody's . It was worrying me as I was getting anxious for my dye stealer. bqaur zplojr gefcabx ksj orau ebzvvp pkkun hvqq aajhn qamhxt