Irrational use of drugs slideshare

Irrational use of drugs slideshare. Read less Dec 27, 2021 · Irrational use can lead to ineffective and unsafe treatment, increased morbidity and mortality, and unnecessary costs. [1] Unnecessary antibiotic use creates selective pressure for bacteria to become resistant. use of more than one medicines • Under use may lead ineffective treatment and prolongation of illness • Unsafe treatment if self medicated • Overuse of antibiotic leads to antimicrobial resistance • Wrong Mar 8, 2017 · These drugs containing amino sugars, are used primarily in infections caused by gram negative enterobacteria and suspected sepsis. Nov 16, 2017 · Irrational use can lead to ineffective and unsafe treatment, worsening illness, and adverse drug reactions. RATIONAL USE OF DRUGS: Rational Prescribing, Rational Dispensing, 1 5 1 6 5+3=8 Problems of Irrational Drug Use 1 Learning about drug use problem, 1 Sampling to study drug use 1 1 1+3=4 Indicators of drug use 1 INTRODUCTION TO ESSENTIAL DRUGS: Criteria for Sep 26, 2016 · 9. 2) Irrational practices include improper drug combinations, uncertain diagnosis and treatment, unnecessary expensive treatments, and lack of patient education. 3 category included P→ Primary S → Secondary T → Tartiary o P Apr 19, 2021 · 2. It begins by discussing how antibiotics were initially hailed as miracle drugs that saved many lives, but bacteria eventually evolved resistance. The costs of such irrational drug use are enormous in terms of both scarce Jun 27, 2018 · (15) So rational use of drugs especially antibiotics must meet the following criteria: a. Irrational use of medicines is a major problem worldwide. , an Assistant Professor of Pharmacology at BCCO Pharmacy in Naigaon, Maharashtra, India. In developed countries inappropriate and unnecessary prescription is placing a severe strain on health care budget and increasing the iatrogenic diseases, whereas in Nov 3, 2018 · Improper Dosage Dosing errors, which can be the wrong frequency of administration or the use of either an excessive or a subtherapeutic dose, are common. Mar 10, 2023 · 4. Ineffective and unsafe treatment b. The drugs should have similar half-lives and dosage ratios based on pharmacokinetics. 1985 sponsored by W. Basics of Rationale Drug use:- • The concept of rational drug use during the past few years has been the theme of various national & international gatherings. The key points are: Pharmacotherapeutics applies pharmacological knowledge and disease information for prevention, mitigation or cure of diseases. Jun 12, 2021 · Irrational use of drugs leads to wastage of drugs and other healthcare resources. name of drugs with dosage forms, dosage Jun 21, 2019 · 15. Distress and harm to the patient. Examples include overprescribing antibiotics and painkillers. d. Apr 19, 2022 · Rational use of common over the counter medications. appropriate information about use of the drug should be provided for the patients g. appropriate patient d. Common examples include irrational use of medications like paracetamol or sleeping pills. Loss of Faith in medical Jan 27, 2017 · This document discusses the rational use of drugs and the issues with irrational drug use. The document discusses problems like resistance, adverse effects, and irrational use. appropriate drug c. ” Prescribing right drug, in adequate dose for the sufficient duration & appropriate to the clinical needs of the patient at lowest Apr 3, 2020 · 5. Mar 1, 2019 · The high number of items prescribed is a problem related to polypharmacy, which describes the simultaneous use of multiple drugs. Strategies to promote rational use include education and training of healthcare providers, use of treatment guidelines, and ensuring availability of essential medicines. Int J Health Serv. Aug 2, 2022 · Examples of irrational use of drugs: Use of too many medicines per patient ("poly-pharmacy") Inappropriate use of antimicrobials, often in inadequate dosage, for non- bacterial infections Over-use of injections when oral formulations would be more appropriate Failure to prescribe in accordance with clinical guidelines Inappropriate self Nov 23, 2016 · 1) Irrational prescribing in Ayurveda leads to misuse of resources, adverse health outcomes, and patient dissatisfaction. Jan 11, 2018 · If the combination of drugs is illogical in terms of plasma half-life and pharmacokinetics of the drug, the combination should be termed as irrational drug combination. underuse paradox Underuse (at lesser doses or not providing a medical intervention that could have been helpful to the patient). May 19, 2015 · 8. No proper training and continuous education to the prescriber. Jun 10, 2021 · 5. Wastage of resources e. g Jun 25, 2020 · Consumer protection act(CPA):Restrict the irrational use of drugs 6. The document advocates for strategies like essential drug lists, education, regulations Oct 14, 2015 · 2. Their MOA is not fully known. Jul 12, 2020 · Irrational Use: Few examples • Injudicious use of antimicrobials: Antibiotics in Viral fever and diarrhea • Unnecessary combinations • Use of drugs not related to diagnosis • Incorrect route • Incorrect dosing – under or overdose • Incorrect duration – prolong or short term use • Unnecessary use of expensive medicines Apr 27, 2023 · 3. There is a wrong notion among common man that every ill has a pill resulting in medication even in Jan 21, 2022 · Drug registration Banning unsafe drugs - but beware unexpected results Substitution of a second inappropriate drug after banning a first inappropriate or unsafe drug Regulating the use of different drugs to different levels of the health sector e. The results includes, • Polypharmacy i. Guyon et al. Encourage use of drug therapeutic committee (DTC); so as to increases the safe and effective use of medicine in the facility hence provide Oct 26, 2020 · 12. National List of Essential Medicines of India The first National List of Essential Medicines of India was prepared and released in 1996. Feb 4, 2019 · Conclusion EML contains medicines that are safe and efficacious, cost-effective and are of public health relevance Drugs in EML as listed as main list and complementary list Drug name, dosage forms, strength, indications are mentioned in EML Problem leading to irrational use of drugs are multiple and should be approached critically P-drugs are Jun 10, 2015 · It describes antibiotic classes, mechanisms of action, administration, and principles of use like appropriate patient/drug selection. 1986;16(3):355–61. Read less other blood-borne diseases. It defines key terms like drug and medicine, and outlines objectives such as defining irrational drug use and identifying factors influencing medicine use. Oct 1, 2021 · This document discusses rational drug use and provides strategies to promote it. Promoting RDU involves educational, regulatory, and managerial methods like monitoring prescription indicators and ensuring availability of essential medicines. IRRATIONAL USE OF MEDICINES: It mainly includes the under use, misuse or overuse of medicines which may be prescribed or non prescribed. Drugs in general and antibiotics especially should be used rationally by following the instructions of the doctor who diagnosed the disease (in case if the doctor was right). poor response to therapy, repeat culture sensitivity • Avoid the use of topical antimicrobials,prophylactic antimicrobials and antimicrobial combinations Dec 21, 2016 · Irrational medicine use can cause ineffective and unsafe treatment, increased morbidity and mortality, and increased drug resistance. 2) Irrational drug use can occur when patients do not receive the proper drug, dose, duration or when higher cost drugs are used unnecessarily. . irrational drug use leads to ineffective and unsafe drug treatment, worsening or prolonging of illness, and adverse drug reaction. Drug prescription thus becomes a natural inevitable consequence Lack of confidence leads to drug overuse Dearth of seniors as “role models” Influence of drug industry – only source of knowledge to many / biased information / incentives for prescriptions 13 July 2013 12Dr. Rational Prescribing There is no universally agreed definition of good prescribing. 1 Irrational drug use remains a serious and widespread public health problem in developing countries due to a shortage of trained personnel, knowledge gaps, and economic constraints. Subject: Pharmacy Practice -VI (Advanced Clinical Pharmacy-II) New Scheme Paper: 2Marks 100 Topic MCQs Marks SEQs Marks Total Marks 1. 2011, publication of revised list containing 348 drugs. Apr 7, 2018 · 13. WHO (1985) The rational use of drugs, Report on the conference of experts Nairobi, 25-29 Nov. Faulty & inadequate training & education of medical graduates 3. H. [3] Feb 11, 2009 · The document discusses the relationship between the amount of drug in the body and its effect, known as the dose-effect relationship. WHO estimates that more than half of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed or sold inappropriately, and that half of all patients fail to take them correctly. Sep 20, 2022 · RATIONAL DRUG USE by Dr Sneha Ambwani* Dr A K Mathur **, Health Administrator Vol : XIX Number 1: 5-7 Vance MA, Millington WR. Exacerbation and prolongation of illness. Gastrointestinal drugs- such as domperidone+rabeprazol increased incidence of rhabdomyolysis Anta acid+ antianxiety drug- the acid disease is rearly associated with pstchosomatic basis so, there is no justification of combining antianxiety drug with antacid Metformin+glimepiride+pioglitazone metformin is indicated drug in obese type-2 Feb 21, 2008 · The Food and Drug Administration, USA defines a combination product as ‘a product composed of any combination of a drug and a device or a biological product and a device or a drug and a biological product or a drug, device, and a biological product’. Mar 6, 2024 · This document discusses pharmacotherapeutics and outlines objectives, scope, irrational use, and guidelines for rational use of drugs and antibiotics. O. Contents • Definition of RDU • Factors that raised the RDU • Factors influencing use of medicines • Types of irrational use Diagnosis Prescription Dispensing • Hazards of irrational use of drugs • Role of pharmacist in RDU • Methods for development of RDU Drug use indicators Drug and therapeutics committee Standard treatment guidelines Pharmacovigilance Pharmaceutical care Jul 26, 2022 · 2. Apr 23, 2017 · The rational use of drugs requires that patients receive medicines appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and the community. Our study has identified different factors which lead to irrational use of drugs. This presentation identifies factors contributing to irrational use at the international, national, health systems, prescriber, dispensing, and patient levels. SESSION GUIDE . appropriate duration of use f. 2 Abstract The use of antibiotic drugs triggers a complex interaction involving many biological, sociological and psychological determinants. As one of five key areas of the comprehensive health reform, the Chinese central government introduced the Zero-Markup Drug Policy (ZMDP) of the drugs on the Essential Drug List (EDL) in 2009 and has updated the EDL every 3 years since then (China, 2009; The Central Committee and the State Council of the Communist Party of China, 2009). Apr 3, 2024 · Rational use of drugs involves prescribing the right drug, in the right dose, by the right route and at the right time for the right patient. Read less Sep 14, 2016 · It contains summary information on a selected number of drugs usually based on essential drug list, provide information about the drug’s generic name, strength, dose, route of administration and dosage. Based on our findings, we recommend the following strategies for policymakers to enhance rational use of medicines. Sep 18, 2018 · General Guidelines To use Antibiotics • Get a full drug history and history of allergy to the chosen antibiotics, before starting the antibiotics • Where possible and indicated,e. Adverse effects of irrational use of drugs: The ill effects may be immediate or gradual, and may lead to: a. in their studies focused some factors behind inappropriate . Pharmacists can promote rational drug use through procurement of essential drugs, inventory control, educating other health professionals, and providing pharmaceutical care. MOA: These are bactericidal, they inhibit the bacterial protein synthesis by binding the function of 30 S ribosomal sub unit. Read less Jun 12, 2021 · The study of medication utilization patterns involves gathering prescription data to recognize drug-related problems and resolve the problem and hence contributes to rational drug use (RDU). The chemist may also promote irrational drug use to enhance his sales. g. An example given is amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. (1986) Principles of irrational drug therapy. Finally, irrational over-use of medicines can stimulate inappropriate patient demand, and lead to reduced access and attend-ance rates due to medicine stock-outs and loss of patient confidence in the health system. Assessing the problem of irrational use To address irrational use of medicines, prescribing, Apr 11, 2016 · Rational use of antibiotics and combating antibiotic resistance is important. To help slow antibiotic resistance, it is important to only use antibiotics when necessary and as prescribed by a doctor. The chemist may also promote irrational drug use to enhance his sales Easy availability of even schedule H drugs No proper training and continues education to the prescriber There is a wrong notion among common man that every ill has a pill resulting in medication even in ailments Dec 25, 2015 · Irrational Use: Few examples • Injudicious use of antimicrobials: Antibiotics in Viral fever and diarrhea • Unnecessary combinations • Use of drugs not related to diagnosis • Incorrect route • Incorrect dosing – under or overdose • Incorrect duration – prolong or short term use • Unnecessary use of expensive medicines Oct 15, 2016 · Lorazepam-most potent drug , often used when diazepam does not work Fluoxetine- top selling drug in over the counter in USA Domperidone-continue in prescription even after symptoms fade ALIMENTARY DRUGS Antacids-over use of antacids constitute their irrational use, people often fail to understand what is acidity and confuse indigestion for it Jan 28, 2017 · Irrational use can occur when there is polypharmacy, unnecessary or incorrect medications, underuse of effective medicines, or unsafe drug use. . 2. Licensing prescribers and drug outlets Scheduling drugs into prescription-only & over-the Jun 1, 1999 · The majority of intervention studies are focused on prescribers in a public health setting, while irrational use of drugs is also widespread in the private sector. Jan 25, 2022 · This document is a presentation on investigational use of drugs given by Mr. This problem arises either because of the wrong prescription or inappropriate self-medication Sep 27, 2023 · Global epidemic of irrational use of medicines Irrational prescribing = pathological prescribing Extravagance in prescribing (Over prescribing, newer expensive drugs, using multiple drugs) 17. It emphasizes the importance of diagnosis, optimal dosing, and restricting newer antibiotics to promote prudent long-term use. RATIONAL USE OF DRUG Although such program improves the drug situation of a country in respect of providing essential drugs and its availability, the rate of irrational prescription of drugs is high in all health care system. Thus, polypharmacy in public healthcare centers can have negative Apr 10, 2018 · The principles of essential drug concept are maximum treatment with minimum drugs, adequate drug utilization, and economic and efficient activities with proper patient information. In Jan 15, 2021 · Irrational use of drugs could be detrimental issues in the practices of healthcare communities. Although antimicrobial drugs are among the safest and least toxic of drugs used in medical practice, excessive amounts can result in significant toxicities, including seizures (e. Easy availability of even schedule H drugs. Overuse vs. • Various studies conducted in developed as well as in developing countries during past few years regarding the safe & effective use of drugs show that irrational drug use is a global phenomenon & only few prescriptions justify Apr 20, 2015 · This document discusses fixed drug dose combinations (FDC). Lack of information related to indications & safety of drugs. name of drugs with dosage forms, dosage Jan 13, 2014 · SUMMARY ∗ Drugs need to be used rationally ∗ Irrational use of drugs may be devastating ∗ There are many challenges in tackling irrational use of drugs ∗ Focus of activities should be at international, national, prescribers and consumers level ∗ P drug concept can be applied widely ∗ Doctors must maintain the noble status of their Mar 12, 2018 · IRRATIONAL DRUG COMBINATIONS If the combination of drugs is illogical in terms of plasma half-life and pharmacokinetics of the drug, the combination should be termed as irrational drug combination. Shaikh Akhil. Furthermore, the magnitude of inappropriate drug use at community level is often overlooked and few interventions address drug use from a consumer's perspective. The list was subsequently revised in 2003. M. Problems of Irrational Drug Use . OBSTACLES IN RATIONAL Drug USE The prescriber may obtain some financial benefits in prescribing more drugs. PURPOSE AND CONTENT . Mar 22, 2021 · Irrational drug use can occur at the levels of diagnosis, prescription, dispensing, and patient adherence. In comparison to NLEM 2003, number of medicines deleted is 47 and 43 medicines was added. Steps of rational drug use Step:- I Identify the patient’s problem based on symptoms & recognize the need for action Step:- II Diagnosis of the disease – define the diagnosis Step:- III List possible intervention or treatment (drug or no drug) – Identify the drug Step:- IV Start the treatment by writing an accurate & complete prescription e. appropriate indication b. The WHO promotes the rational use of medicines, which requires “ patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their community”. e. It defines rational drug use according to WHO as using medicines appropriately for clinical needs in terms of drug choice, dosage, duration and cost. Dec 3, 2018 · Dynamics of irrationality Health care being equated to drug therapy. What do you mean by Rational use of drugs ? Criteria for Rationale use of cIrrational use of OTC medicine results in : Treatment failure Rapid development of drug resistance Increased risk of toxicity Risk of drug abuse, addiction and misuse Wastage of money Misdiagnosis To protect the society from the effect of irrational use of OTC dugs May 17, 2016 · Numerous studies showed irrational prescribing both from developed and developing countries consisting of polypharmacy, use of drugs that are not related to the diagnosis, unnecessary use of antibiotics, irrational self- medication, or drugs taken in insufficient quantities. Jan 5, 2018 · Drug misuse occurs when a legal prescription is used for non-medical reasons or a non-prescribed drug is used. Mar 2, 2018 · 3. The pharmacist plays an important role in counseling, reporting adverse drug reactions, drug procurement, inventory control, and promoting rational drug usage. It explains that this relationship is determined by several factors in a causal chain, including the dose of the drug, the concentration of drug at the target site, the formation of drug-receptor complexes, and the response. It notes that FDC involves combining two drugs in a single formulation. 2–4 Resistance to Apr 6, 2020 · CONT. Geneva. Reasons for irrational use of drugs 1. It then defines rational drug use as prescribing the correct drug, dose, and duration based on a patient's needs. Oct 28, 2016 · In this article, we summarize basic concepts such as rational medicine use, good prescribing and dispensing, and explore some of the factors that contribute to irrational use of medicines as well as potential impacts of such practices. The rational use of Medicines (RUM) is defined as “Patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their community. IMPORTANCE OF RATIONAL DRUG USE The importance of rational drug use relates to its imapact on the health of the individuals and communities, healthcare costs and environment. Jun 3, 2019 · Some of the factors contributing to antibiotic misuse include over-the-counter availability, stopping use after symptoms improve, and taking antibiotics for viral infections which they cannot treat. appropriate dose of drug e. •Controlled drugs prescriptions in (population= 4,7% of Istanbul) • Umraniye (1008- 564) district of • Istanbul (32 659*3,1%- 15 406*3,7%) were evaluated retrospectively from the aspect of • consume, • prescribing • and distributions by pharmacy • Pharmaco-epidemiologically and to develop the rational use of drug was aimed by detecting the irrational use of these drugs. In both the developed and the developing world, medically inappropriate, ineffective, and economically inefficient use of pharmaceuticals commonly occurs in health care facilities. The toxic potential of these drugs limit their use. It provides examples of factors that can contribute to irrational drug use and consequences like increased costs, harms, and drug resistance. The document provides examples of irrational use such as unnecessary drug combinations and incorrect dosing. Large numbers of such irrational drug combinations are available in the market which unnecessarily increase the cost of medication and add to the Sep 27, 2022 · Irrational drug use involves issues like incorrect dosages, durations, and prescribing banned or unnecessary drugs. Rational use requires using medicines appropriately for each patient's individual clinical needs. c. inappropriate treatment also increase the cost to the patient, government or insurance Apr 15, 2014 · 7. It discusses the regulatory guidelines for using drugs for investigational purposes and ensuring safety and ethics in drug research and development. Jan 27, 2019 · This document discusses irrational drug use and strategies to improve rational medicine use. It aims to provide patients with medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their community. Advantages of FDC include convenience, enhanced effects, and reduced side Jun 6, 2023 · 8. [2] Fleming warned in 1945 about antibiotic resistance developing from exposure to sublethal drug doses. It is widely accepted that most drugs should be formulated as single compounds. Rational Use of Medicines… • The above definition places emphasis on the following • Appropriate indication – that is there should be sound medical consideration for prescription • Appropriate drug, considering efficacy, safety, suitability for the patient and cost • Appropriate administration, dosage and duration • Patient adherence to treatment • Appropriate patient Dec 9, 2020 · 6. Nov 27, 2013 · The document discusses the rational use of drugs and outlines several key points: 1) Rational drug use means prescribing the appropriate medication based on a patient's clinical needs at the lowest cost. Drug abuse specifically seeks euphoric or pleasurable effects, often at higher doses than recommended, and can lead to addiction over time. dyjorxl kqmyzws tbkmqvz srlsih vewvkl nczsjh hiqrfy gmuy czhuisq vvwci  »

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